Positive Vibes 2017

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Going into 2017 I like to take time to reflect on 2016..the highs, the lows, what I did, where I went, what I didn't accomplish, what I did accomplish, AND then I plan, write out, and manifest my 2017.  This allows me to keep my goals & dreams in check, uplevel the things that I fell short on in order to have an epic 2017.  Reflecting & planning going into a new year empower me to continue to grow & evolve, play bigger, be bolder, step into to person I'm meant to be, and truly be present and live each day!

If you know me or have worked with me before you know I STRONGLY dislike New Years Resolutions.  I don't mean to be negative, in fact the opposite.  I come from a place of love, and truth, and growth.  I want ALL of you to have an epic 2017, to set goals & crush them, be a person of action, make your dreams come true.  So the reality is, the majority of people who set New Years Resolutions are setting themselves up for failure.  They're setting unrealistic goals, goals that have no depth, goals they either don't even get started on or don't follow through with.  Being a Personal Trainer & Fitness Instructor for years, I'd watch the flood of new people come in January, many would drop off within a month & most would drop off by mid February.  THEN, when a "new", "appropriate" time of the year came around (aka Spring Break or Shorts & T-shirt weather) they'd show up again.  This cycle repeats itself over & over again.

My advice...take time to reflect on 2016 - write it out!  THEN, take time to write out your 2017 life, family, biz, personal goals & dreams...break those things down into smaller bite size chunks, write your plan on the realistic HOW to get there, manifest, pray, and then ACT when you're ready (not when the year starts or when everyone else seems to be acting)!  Even better would be to align yourself with people who are likeminded, positive, dreamers, doers, influencers, and incredible accountability partners.

XOX Britt


Exercising & Being Fit


Dream a Little, I Dare You!