Essential Oils … do they actually work?

Have you been curious about how essential oils actually work with your body?

When most people make the decision to bring these little brown bottles into their home, they are ready to make a CHANGE.

✅ Ready to feel better.

✅ Ready to make better choices.

✅ Ready to be my own advocate.

✅ Ready to teach others how to do the same (for some of us!)

So let’s talk about how the oils work in regards to each of your body systems. You actually have 11 major body systems:

...and oils can support all of them!!! Pretty amazing right!? 👏

When we are proactively assuming a holistic or whole-body, approach then we are using a prevention mindset and focusing on the root cause and supporting the entire body. All body systems are interconnected and work synergistically together to create overall well being.

How do your oils work with the body systems?

👉 When you apply oils topically, they are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream within 30 seconds!
Your oils are able to permeate cells and tissues within the body for targeted support within 14 to 20 minutes.

😳 WOW, right? Pretty incredible, I know.

Want to learn more? I'd like to invite you to a virtual class!

Pick any date you'd like to attend - we've got them scheduled out for the year!

Click HERE to pick your date. Just drop my name in the space provided (or the person who invited you to attend) so I can join you and connect back with some extra goodies!


How do you REALLY feel about your body? 


Powerful Checklist for Better Sleep